
Macaroni Sandwich

Yea... I know there are macaroni salads here. That wasn't very good. I don't think this would be either. Who ever thought of putting macaroni between slices of bread? For one, it'd be rather messy. At least for me. I don't know how I can keep all the macaroni from falling.

Store: 99


[Review] Mango Milk Tea

Yes, mango milk tea. Mango drinks by themselves aren't bad. I like mango juices and stuff. But I wasn't sure how it would be when combined with milk tea so I got it. Hehe.

Honestly, I'm not too sure what to think of it. There's definitely a mango taste, if that's the most important thing for you. But the combination with the tea is kinda funky. You can taste the mango, then a little later you can taste the milk tea, but then it kinda mixes together and you're not quite sure what it is anymore...

It's a good sweetness though. Not too horribly sweet like some drinks, so I like that. After drinking about half of it I've gotten used to its weird blend and it goes down quite nicely. I probably wouldn't get it again for the 158 yen though...

Store: Lawson


Cheesecake Takenokono Hoshi

This looks yummy too. I don't know if I'd be able to choose between this and the tiramisu Kinokono Yama below. Hmmm...choices, choices.

Store: Lawson

Tiramisu Kinokono Yama

Tiramisu is yummy stuff. I probably should've tried this. I don't remember the price though.

Store: Lawson

[Review] Beef Kabob Pringles Chips

I was totally amazed and ready to try this when I first saw it. Beef kabob is yummy. Pringles is yummy. It should work!

But really? Not as good as expected. It was basically a toned down version of BBQ chips. And I'm not a big fan of that. This was a total let down. I know I shouldn't be expecting much, but still...

Store: Lawson