
[Review] Beef Curry Pan

Came across this today, and it just looked amazing delicious. I have, surprisingly, never had one before, so I thought this was a good chance to try it since the onigiri I normally get wasn't there.

Japanese Convenience Store bread pic

The bread was nice and soft and the curry wasn't spicy, which is good for me because I'm horrible at spicy food. And it had a decent curry taste. It wasn't too strong, but you could definitely tell it was curry. Which is, of course, a good thing.

My only problems were that the bread was too thick and there wasn't enough curry, and that I couldn't tell if there was actually any beef in there. It might've just been beef-flavored, and not contain any beef at all.

Japanese Convenience Store bread pic

But it was worth the 105yen.

Store: Lawson


Curry-flavored potato sticks

This one's really got me interested. I love curry. I love potato fries. The combination just sounds delicious. One day I'll go back and get it. I swear.

Japanese Convenience Store curry chips pic

How can anyone resist?!

The curry's by CoCo, a restaurant. I've been there once. It was ok. The curry was a bit too watery for my taste. But this is on chips. So it should be ok?

Store: Lawson


[Review] Hamburger onigiri

Yup. That's right. It's a hamburger rice ball. Well, at least that's what it's called. The rice isn't really in the shape of a ball. More like a thick patty rice cake thing. And then there's a hamburger patty on top of that with a piece of seaweed half wrapping it all.

Japanese Convenience Store onigiri pic

It was actually pretty tasty. The rice was sticky so it didn't come completely undone. The hamburger had a sweet-ish sauce with it, which was rather yummy. And I think there was a very thin layer of mayonnaise in between. Although I normally hate mayo (mustard is even worse though), I could barely taste it so it was good for me.

Verdict? I'd definitely get this again.

Store: 99


Mayo chips

The absolutely most disgusting thing I could possibly come across. Seriously. I hate mayo. With a passion. And seeing it splattered all over chips? Gross.

Japanese Convenience Store chips pic

You can't really see the picture too well, but there's basically lines of mayo running across each chip. Ugh. The Japanese sure love their mayo...

Store: Lawson


Cheesecake Hi-Chew

Mmm...Hi-Chew (a gummy candy that sorta has a similar consistancy to gum). It's yummy stuff. But for some reason I always only get the grape flavor. Heh. But yesterday I saw a strawberry cheesecake flavor!

I'd like it more if there wasn't the strawberry in it though. Cuz I just don't like strawberries. Heh. But I'll take the cheesecake if nobody wants it. Hehehe.

Japanese Convenience Store hi-chew pic

Store: Family Mart


Wasabi seaweed chips

Japanese Convenience Store chips pic

This really doesn't surprise me anymore. I mean, you can get normal wasabi seaweed as snacks, so why not make them into chips?

Store: Lawson

Sakura drinks

So now comes the drinks that are sakura-flavored.

Japanese Convenience Store drink pic
This is part of the Desserts Series from Kochakaden (紅茶花伝), which is a milk tea by Coca-Cola. They made the caramel-flavored tea that I mentioned in the last drinks post I made. So this one is sakura-fragrant (薫る桜 - kaoru sakura). Maybe it's just the smell then? Since I'm not sure how you would make a drink that tasted like sakura. But hey, there were sakura-flavored chips a while back.

Japanese Convenience Store drink pic
And this is Sakura Mist by Canada Dry. I'm not sure what kind of drink this is though, so don't ask me...

Store: Lawson

Bread chips

These were in the chips section, and have a taste like really really thinly sliced French bread with sugar and butter on top. I actually did get a bag, and it was really yummy! The only problem was, it was definitely at least 80% air... I know they do this so the chips won't be crushed or whatever, but it had more air in there than almost any other chips bag I've gotten! Even for something this delicious, it isn't worth the 140 yen for a 2/3 bag of air...

Japanese Convenience Store bread chips pic

Store: Lawson


Cheese curry ramen

More ramen flavors! This time it's Cheese Curry. Regular curry-flavored ramen have been spotted every now and then, but this is the first time I saw it with cheese. Honestly, I'm not too sure about this combination either...

Japanese Convenience Store ramen pic

Store: Lawson

Bitter caramel tea

The first time posting a drink! Yay!

I had actually wanted to post a couple pics of dessert-flavored milk tea before, but they weren't selling them anymore by the time I started this. ::sigh:: Oh well.

Anyway, this is Lipton's Bitter Caramel tea. I've seen caramel-flavored drinks before, and the caramel milk tea I've had was actually pretty good, but I'm not sure what they mean by "bitter" caramel. Maybe something like bitter chocolate? But I've never even heard of bitter caramel before... Either way, it was an interesting find.

Japanese Convenience Store drink pic

Store: Lawson